Is Security Fencing Your Priority? – Melbourne Security Fencing
If I’d say that security is almost like a primary need, would you argue with me? We are looking for a sense of security in our relationships, with our friends, when we go out, on a holiday, at work and in our home. With some of them, we, Diamond Fence, can help you out. Unfortunately I have to say we are not relationship experts, but it’s your lucky day! Diamond Fence is an experienced Melbourne security fencing provider. So if you need help with a security fencing in Melbourne, turn to us as with our 40 years’ experience in the fencing industry, we can help you with residential, industrial and commercial fencing in Melbourne, to be precise in Greater Melbourne and Regional Victoria.
If you need a relationship advise, then turn to a shrink, dating app, or your mum. Mums are usually good at that stuff!
When it comes to commercial and industrial fencing, companies choose to turn to metal security fences as who on earth would want to install a miles long timber fence that in time would need maintenance like cleaning, staining, painting and so on. And of course metal and steel fences are stronger than the wooden fences, logical heh, hence the greater usage of steel and metal in the industrial and commercial security fencing. We are not going to argue, which is better for security, timber or steel fences, as we played that game already. You can read about that topic in our previous blog post.
There are mainly 4 different types of security fences in Melbourne: chain wire security fences (also known as chain link security fences), tubular steel security fences, Colorbond security fences, and welded mesh security fences (sometimes also called as welded mesh panel fences). Diamond Fence offers all of those four security fence types to cover all Melbourne industrial fencing and commercial fencing needs.
Chain wire security fences can be strengthened by using galvanized chain wire that is perfect solution for a factory or a building site security fencing as galvanized chain wire is a cost-effective solution that is durable to corrosion. Also for an extra security measurement it’s possible to add barbed wire and a tiger tape on top of your chain link fence.
Tubular steel security fences are a suitable solution if you need security around a commercial playground, swimming pool or even your own backyard as it’s a win-win situation: tubular steel fence provides a great security and at the same time has that cool modern, some even luxurious look. For security purposes, tubular steel fence, usually has a crushed end on top to stop any burglar or unwanted people trying to climb over it.
Colorbond steel fencing, or Colorbond security fences in precise, are used because they are durable, and restrict the view of passers-by, who would love to have a sneak-peak what’s on the other side of the fence. Colorbond fences are perfect as no one can see through them, so your factory or building site is protected from the unwanted viewers. The benefit of using Colorbond is that you can protect your security by being stylish at the same time as Colorbond steel comes in variety of colors and heights. So decide the look you want for people to see from the outside while keeping the inside non-public. Diamond Fence offers Colorbond fencing only as industrial fencing and commercial fencing solutions in Melbourne.
The last, but not least, is welded mesh security fence, or a welded mesh panel security fence. Name is quite self-explanatory. This fence consists of welded mesh panels that are joined together and make a strong security fence that is commonly used in highly sensitive areas as welded mesh panels are 100% impenetrable and hard to break even with the tools.
Living in Melbourne, the world’s most liveable city in 2017, having this top spot for seventh year running, you want to make your fence look as aesthetic and beautiful as possible and to fit in with the gorgeous views of this magnificent city in Australia. Therefore with Diamond Fence Aust. you have that possibility in security fencing. We can make your security fence look like it was born to be there. A bit cheesy, but this is how it is. We can mix-mash different kind of security fencing types to make them look and fit in with the surrounding environment.
Diamond Fence can make a fence that consists of tubular steel gates and chain wire fence; mix of a chain wire and a brush fence with added tiger tape and a barbed wire on top to make your security gate and fence even more secure. Or mix-mash Colorbond and brush fence for a visual deterrent. With us You can choose!
If your security is your top-priority, we will make your security fence and security gate our top-priority and will offer you security fencing solutions to suit all your needs. Whether it’s a single fencing type, or you desire to mix-mash various fencing types, we got you sorted.
So call us on (03) 9753 4566 , shoot us an email on , or just get a FREE online quote.